Saturday 1 November 2014

Chatpta Chicken Tikka

Chicken 1 kg (8 to 12 Pcs)
Curd (Dahi) 4 Tablespoon
Red chilli crushed 1 Tablespoon
Chat masala 1 Tablespoon
All Spice powder (Garam masala powder) 1/2 Teaspoon
Raw papaya paste (Kacha papita) 1 Tablespoon
Maida flour 2 Tablespoon
Pinch of Tatri (Citric Acid)
Pinch of Red food color
Lemon juice 6 Tablespoon
Ginger garlic paste 1½ Tablespoon
Oil 4 Tablespoon
Salt to taste
Coal for smoke


  • Wash and dry chicken pieces. Mark deep cuts.

  • In a bowl, mix gently all the ingredients except oil and coal.

  • Rub the mixture gently on chicken pieces and marinate for 2-3 hours.

  • After marinating, steam the chicken then put it in a pan and pour oil.

  • Let it cook on medium high flame till the color comes from one side then turn and give color from other side.

  • Be sure the color is uniform from all sides.

  • After the chicken cook perfectly give smoke of coal.

        Serve with paratha and chutney and enjoy with your family.
        Serving 5-6

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